

Chapter 3 September Article

Chapter 3 September Article

After the release of the "Insecurity" chapter, Skyms2663 (creator of the Black Mesa: Insecurity) contacted our team...

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This is the second part of Black Mesa: Blue Shift development history.

Dev notes part 2

This is the second part of Black Mesa: Blue Shift development history. We can’t just make a mod without some easter...

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Hello everyone! We all have been waiting for this, and finally, this day has come! No, not the full release of BM:BS, but it's next chapter! And we were working really hard to create it. A lot of scripted scenes, voice acting and interactions!

The second chapter of the remake, Insecurity, is now released!

Hello everyone! We all have been waiting for this, and finally, this day has come! No, not the full release of BM:B...

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Black Mesa: Blue Shift dev notes 1

Dev notes part 1

Hello, dear readers! Today we will tell you details of our work on the first chapter of the Black Mesa: Blue Shift....

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Black Mesa: Blue shift new screenshots

Chapter 2: Insecurity June Article

We are glad to post something for all the fans again! Today is the 20th birthday of Half-Life: Blue Shift, and we c...

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Insecurity - Black Mesa: Blue Shift

Chapter 2: Insecurity April Article

Just a month ago we've shown you this new project of ours. We want to thank everyone for all of your feedback and s...

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Chapter 1: Living Quarters Outbound

Chapter 1: Living Quarters Outbound Release

We are happy to say to you that we have released the first chapter of our new project! We put a lot of effort in it...

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